Tuesday, December 30, 2008


yesterday was the best day of break.
i win at gatherings
WE win at gatherings.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

haha i love convos

so silly.

[10:29:43 PM] arielface says: yaaaaaaaaay i have a stalker!
[10:29:49 PM] Kiara. says: is he cute?
[10:30:06 PM] arielface says: i dont think so
[10:31:53 PM] Kiara. says: well, then tell him to buzz off

Friday, December 19, 2008

yes maybes

this is just a list for myself.
cait (head)
shannon (lucky37)
mickie (bee)
matty (massaar)
shawna (nanalew)
kiara (patchwork)
jacqueline (unfamous)
spence (cah5)
godfrey (jayded)
tiffany (mondesir)
jen (skyck)

people who've been approached but i have not heard from
molly (meme)
matt (g124)
andrew (bisante)

i still need to approach more people about this.

lets make a list of that too
other... kids? from.. toronto?
if you know any leave a message.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


the 29th is getting closer and closer
and i still haven't made many decisions when it comes to youtubeoggan
hunter's point wildlife park maybe?
it came up first when i searched for toboganning hills in richmond hill.
so i might go with that.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


my life is a kilter
i have maple cookies.
i just counted the syllables i've got so far... like five times.
oh boy.

i love it

Monday, December 08, 2008

ha yaaay

i am the least organized organizer ever!

makin a youtube gathering!



i have a follower!!!

hi sam. :)

Sunday, December 07, 2008


i just totally fucked up my sleeping schedule.
napping from 8:45-11pm and then being awake til 4am and then sleeping til 12:30
that'll do it.

aside from that, all I have to do this week is an exam tuesday and then work wed-sat.
i'm pretty excited.
i guess.
i have a couple assignments to get done for 1P10 still.
i`ll get there....

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


no matter what happens i know i'm happy.
my life is everything i want it to be
no stupid little thing can change that.
i'm an amazing person.
bite me.

Monday, December 01, 2008


some people have no depth.
i do not get these people.