Wednesday, July 06, 2005

so, back to complaining

Work, especially fast food, stinks. Seriously. I don't think I'm ever unhappy until I know I have to deal with being at work. I can be in the best of moods because I've been out with friends, or at riding or whatever, but as soon as I get there it's like this giant vaccuum of grumpiness. Which, right now, I don't need.
What I need is a better paying job. getting 10 cents more than minimum wage just isn't cutting it any more. I have bills, debts, and crap to spend my money on. Like right now, I owe my parents over $1800 because of school and my freaking car. which, by the way, keeps needing random repairs.
I still owe about $200 on my visa because all my pay was going to my car, rather than the $120 I need each month for riding. Which is due this thursday and I don't have money for it right now either.
ALSO I'm looking to buy the horse I've been riding recently. If his owner decides he's for sale. That would be another $4000 I need to find. Plus whatever board would be each month for him. And vet bills. and farrier bills, and all of those other random things that go with owning a horse.
Now, for the money I owe my parents, I think that applying for scholarships for next year will do me some good. I definitely had the marks last semester. 82% average my first year of college. Not too shabby considering I slept a lot during class. And did most of my assignments the couple hours before they were due.
and then, there are my friends. I love them, they are awesome, but god damn sometimes it's like "hello, I'm still here, and I need attention too"
not naming names, but I want my The Reason cd back. You said you'd return it sunday. It's now wednesday.
but it's almost 3am, so I think it's high time I went to bed.

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